Privacy Policy


Last Updated: January 1, 2022

'Personal identifiable information' is information that can be used uniquely to identify you, such as your name, age, nationality, physical address, mailing address, email address, telephone numbers, passport information, credit card number, insurance details and medical information. In order to provide you with service in this website, we may require that you provide us with personal identifiable information.

The Greatest Adventures On Earth LLC (“the Company”) may have to share your Personal identifiable information with other companies or entities (third parties) with which the Company has a business relationship in order to provide the products and/or services to the individual user. The third parties do not have the right to use the Personal identifiable information the Company has shared with it beyond what is necessary to deliver the requested product and/or service to the individual user.

The Company does not collect Personal identifiable information about individual users except when such individual specifically provides his/her consent. For example, Personally identifiable information may be gathered from the registration process or for various sales or competitions run through or on this website. Information will be gathered on a voluntary basis. 

The Company shall not transfer Personal identifiable information on individual users to unaffiliated third parties without the approval of the individual user at the time of collecting the Personal identifiable information. At such points of collection, the individual user will have the opportunity to indicate whether he/she would prefer not to receive promotional and/or marketing information about other products, services and offerings from and/or any third parties affiliated to the Company. 

Further, notwithstanding any such preference not to receive promotional information by the individual user, the Company reserves the right to contact the individual user regarding his/her booking status, Personal identifiable information collected, changes to any terms and conditions relating to any services and/or products provided by the Company and other matters relevant to the underlying products and/or services provided by the Company. 

The Company further reserves the right to perform statistical analyses of individual user behavior and characteristics in order to measure interest in and use of the various areas of the website and the services and/or products provided to the individual user by the Company so that the Company may inform advertisers of such information as well as the number of individual users that have shown an interest in that advertisers products and/or services, if applicable. The Company reserves the right to disclose the individual users’ Personal identifiable information to partners, agents and sub-contractors, for any of the above purposes. In addition, the Company may disclose the individual users’ information where the Company is legally obliged to do so in terms of any applicable laws and regulations.